What Causes Dental Failures
Where do failures happen in dentistry? At the micron level. Bacteria create infections; micromovements initiate cracks; these are the root of failed restorations, infected pulps, and cracked teeth. Experiencing his own failures from traditional and early adhesive restorations, Dr. David Alleman discusses how thinking small led to significant advancements in restorative outcomes.
Articles referenced in this episode:
Intro-3 Magne P, Belser U. Rationalization of Shape and Related Stress Distribution in Posterior Teeth A finite Element Study Using Nonlinear contact Analysis. J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2002;22-425-433
Magne P, Oganesyan T. CT scan based finite-element analysis of premolar cuspal deflection following operative procedures. J Periodontics Restorative Dent. Volume 29, Number 4, 2009:360-369.
Learn more about Dr. Alleman's work and training programs at allemancenter.com.